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You can find new Information about 2017's jiutamai concert at the website of the Japanese Culture Festival in Wroclaw NIHON NO NAMI
We are pleased to invite for the next event of Japanese Program within European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016.
The juitamai workshop and intercultural dance-music performance "The Japanese dance to the Polish music" was created as a result of a cooperation by Tokijyo Hanasaki's jiuitamai team and a group of Polish musicians. The two groups met and started to share their music and dance ideas two years ago.
Wroclaw's event is organized by Polish-Japanese Friendship Foundation NAMI in cooperation with Impart Wroclaw 2016 with support of the EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee..
Jiutamai workshop in Wroclaw – June 17th-19th
Music-dance show: Japanese dance to the Polish music – June 21st
Tokijyo Hanasaki – jiutamai dancer and choreographer
Toshimitsu Ishikawa – shakuhachi virtuoso
Izabela Tomaszewska – musician, conductor and teacher
Monika Zytke – conductor, arranger, teacher
Wojciech Białoskórski – musician and sound director
Shino Hanasaki – jiutamai dancer
Hana Umeda – performer, dancer and Nihon Buyo teacher
Organizers and sponsors of the Jiutamai in Wroclaw
Jiutamai workshop in Wroclaw
June 17th-19th 2016
Workshop conducted by: Tokijyo Hanasaki and Shino Hanasaki.
Assistance and interpreting by Hana Umeda.
Workshop schedule:
– June 17th (Friday): 6.00-9.00 p.m.
– June 18th (Saturday): 11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. (with lunch-break)
– June 19th (Sunday): 11.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. (with lunch-break) and a final public performance by workshop participants – 4.00 - 5.00 p.m.
Workshop available for 20 students.
Traditional Japanese costumes are welcome.
Reservation and information:
Grażyna Pogorzelska
Music-dance show: The Japanese dance to the Polish music
June 21st 2016, 7.00 p.m.
Impart (Chamber Hall in Teatr Piosenki), 17th Mazowiecka str., 50-412 Wrocław
Venue on the map
Tokijyo Hanasaki is a Japanese dance artist of jiutamai, an unusual art form that came into being in the final phase of the Edo epoch. In jiutamai every movement unveils the human heart. In its original form jiutamai is performed with accompaniment by several traditional Japanese instruments, especially the shamisen. Tokijyo Hanasaki, however, transcends cultural boundaries, dovetailing her dance with the music of the country in which she is performing. In Poland, apart from the Japanese musicians (a jiutamai dancer Shino Hanasaki and Toshimitsu Ishikawa playing the shakuhachi, the traditional Japanese bamboo flute), she will be accompanied by Polish musicians – Izabela Tomaszewska, Monika Zytke and Wojciech Białoskórski and Polish-Japanese dancer Hana Umeda. Their performance will include both hitsongs of Polish folk music for a trio of singers, violin and piano, and Chopin’s music, cherished so much by the Japanese, in extraordinary arrangements for Veeh-harps and violin created by Monika Zytke. The whole venture would be incomplete without the one and only song as popular in Poland as it is in Japan….
The first concert performed together by the artists, which took place at Wilanów Palace on October 7th 2014, greatly moved Polish audience. That is why this year's tour - starting in Wroclaw has been planned from June 21st to 28th 2016.
– 20 zł (children and youth – 10 zł)
Reservation and information:
Grażyna Pogorzelska
Tokijyo Hanasaki – dancer and choreographer of jiutamai
She created her own unique style of jiutamai Hanasaki-ryu, she also teaches and is engaged in promoting juitamai in the country and abroad. She has performed in Europe on a number of occasions, among others, in France, Lithuania and Poland presenting jiutamai, and, what is more, traditional art forms related to this dance such as the act of donning the kimono – kitsuke, the traditional make-up and the hairdo – Katsura as well as conducting workshops of Japanese dance.
Toshimitsu Ishikawa – shakuhachi master
The winner of music awards (e.g. National Japanese Music Contest), released solo and ensemble CDs, performed in India, USA, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Belgium, Australia and Singapore. Representative of Osaka Japanese Music Solisten.
Izabela Tomaszewska – musician, conductor, teacher and speech therapist
She graduate from the Music Academy in Wroclaw and Bydgoszcz (postgraduate studies of choir conductorship and voice emission), doctorate from the Music Academy in Bydgoszcz. She combines pedagogical activities with artistic ones. At the moment she is managing three choir groups and plays the violin and piano.
Monika Zytke – conductor, arranger, teacher
Professor at the Institute of Music at the Pomeranian University, graduate from the Music Academy in Gdańsk, habilitation work on conductorship thereat. She co-operates with choirs and orchestras (specializes in symphonic arrangements) and dabbles in theatrical music. She plays the guitar and the Veeh-harp.
Wojciech Białoskórski – musician and sound director
sound engineer specializing in amplification of and multi-track recordings of big line-ups (symphonic and jazz orchestras, choirs), graduate from the Music Academy in Katowice (faculty of Sound Engineering) as well as vocational workshops for the Polish Radio in Warsaw. He is keen on polyphonic singing, organ – and Veeh-harp-playing.
Shino Hanasaki – jiutamai dancer
Performs in National Theatre, director of The Jiutamai Promotion Foundation.
Hana Umeda – performer, dancer and instructor of Nihon Buyo
Since 2006 student of Nishikawa Fukushino from Nishikawa-ryu school in Tokyo. Since 2009 she has been popularizing the classical Japanese dance in Poland. She invented her own method of teaching Nihon Buyo which takes into account the differences in movement of the body between Japanese and Polish people. She created a series of exercises which help Europeans to learn specific Japanese movements. Dance is the area in which her two fatherlands (Poland and Japan) are meeting. As she says, “I have to change my body which was brought up in Polish tradition into the Japanese one, change my natural gestures. For me it is the most intimate physical meeting of Poland and Japan in me”.
Organizers and sponsors of the Jiutamai in Wroclaw
Polish–Japanese Friendship Foundation NAMI | ポーランド日本親善友好財団 波
65 Legnicka str, 54-206 Wrocław POLAND
Overseas donations (EURO): IBAN PL 06 2030 0045 3110 0000 0027 1410, SWIFT CORD: GOPZPLPW
e-mail: kontakt@fundacja-nami.pl
– Grażyna Pogorzelska: grazyna.pogorzelska@fundacja-nami.pl, tel. (+48) 784 694 592
– Maciej Pogorzelski: maciej.pogorzelski@fundacja-nami.pl, tel. (+48) 502 796 050
Biuro Festiwalowe Imprat 2016
tel. 71 344 28 16
ul. Mazowiecka 17
50-412 Wrocław
– Katarzyna Młyńczak-Sachs
The performance was created as a part of the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016 with the support of EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee.